This area is to provide a brief
bio and general description of the main characters. These are
listed in no particular order, but all the characters here have
appeared in the comic at least once. They are presented in groups
of 4.

Serena ~ The Ditz
Age: 17
Veil name: Not Applicable
Serena is sort of your typical valleygirl you might find
in any highschool situation. She's a cheerleader, thinks
she's oh so popular and dates the quarterback. She has
a strange sort of affinity for Nikki, even though Nikki
largely hates her. On the other hand she dislikes Ferrah
and particularly Kat very very much. She delights in putting
people down, and putting herself up.
Friends with 'the popular crowd' at school
Crush on Chris the Quarterback
Enemies with Kat, Ferrah
Alliances with whoever seems to be 'hot' at the time
creators notes
: Basically Serena is a bit character who is supposed
to be a sort of non veil involved person, showing a contrast
between lives of people in the veil and not. However,
since the crew haven't been at the school.. well, you
do the math. |

Dr. Yuan Soong ~ The Researcher
Age: 61
Veil name: Doc
Dr. Soong is considered one of the foremost authorities
in the veil on the LTV virus. He's spent his life studing
the two strains of the virus and comparing them trying
to unlock the scientific secrets of their makeup in the
ongoing war against the B type infection which spreads
out of control. He has a son named Simon who had an unfortunate
run in with a very starved Ferrah, although he has no
idea that this chance encounter will lead him towards
the unthinkable. Dr. Soong was also Kat's doctor while
she was in the hospital after Ferrah ravaged her.
Friends with Simon (his son), Dr. Pillz
Crush on his wife
Enemies with anyone who questions his research
Alliances with various medical professionals and veil
creators notes:
The good Dr, while only playing a very small roll in the
first part of the story, plays a much more significant
role later in the game.

Dr. Lucas Pillz ~ The Assistant
Veil name: Splicer
Dr. Lucas Pillz is Dr. Soongs personal assistant and research
partner. He is a man gifted in the area of genetic research
and is unmatched when it comes to genetic splicing and
analysis. One of the reasons Dr. Soong guards his assistant's
position with zealot like fury is that he needs Lucas'
talents for unraveling genetic code to figure out the
secret of Vampirism and the LTV virus. He explained to
Kat how the LTV virus works and differs from strain to
Friends with Dr. Soong
Crush on no one.
Enemies with people who threaten his research
Alliances with various medical personal and veil personal
creators notes:
Lucas, like Dr. Soong, has a very significant roll in
the later part of the story. In the beginning he serves
to help explain the LTV infection. |

Simon Soong ~ The Victim
Age: 21
Veil name: Wraith
Prior to his encounter with Ferrah, Simon
was pretty much your average nerd with a slight case of
autism. He was an extremely gifted EVE programmer and
made a tidy sum programing for VR emersion games and simulations,
as well as EVE enviroments while he worked on his degree
at Shade City University. However, all this changed the
night he found a bloody and naked Ferrah while coming
home from an friends place in the undercity. What he became
after that meeting is a fundamental point in the future
Friends with some net programmers
Crush on Ferrah
Enemies with Hackers, various other net factions.
Alliances with fellow geeks and programmers
creators notes
: Simon plays a huge role in the upcoming storyarc. A
lot of people what to know what is up with him, and I
promise, its coming. |