This area is to provide a brief
bio and general discription of the main characters. These are
listed in no particular order, but all the characters here have
appeared in the comic at least once. They are presented in groups
of 4.

Schala ~ The Ancient
Age: Unknown
Veil name: Schala
Schala's exact history is a mystery to most, but those
who have done the research on her have found evidence
to support that she was once a romanian noble woman who
has disappeared and reappeared periodically throughout
history. She appears on outset to resemble any new generation
vampire, however her power and demeanor do not suggest
that she is. She commands a huge respect from any B vampire
she meets, even Old Generation vampires are wary of her
and have been known to attack her from time to time with
significant force. All such attacks have failed miserably.
In recent years she has been known to be operating with
Nikki Holland and acts as both a guide, protector, and
companion. Although her motivations for agreeing to aid
the youth are unknown.
Friends with Nikki
Crush on Unknown
Enemies with Maverick, Old generation vampires
Alliances with Unknown
creators notes
: Schala was James' creation. Since then, I've kind of
run with her as best I could. She actually kind of fit
in really well with other things I developed for the world.
She's very old and very wise, but she has quite a plethora
of her own demons. Although her goals are not really very
clear, she certainly cares a lot and so bears a lot of
guilt for not only what she has done, but what all vampires
have done to humanity. |

Raven~ The Wereraven
Age: Unknown. Estimated to be thirty something.
Veil name: Raven
Raven is a mystery. His origins are unknown, his motivations
are unknown, hell even the side he's on is unknown most
of the time. The only thing that is known is that he is
an informant, and a very VERY good one. Neither the shifters
nor vampires like or trust him, but both purchase his
services or the services of his 'chums'. Raven is known
to be in contact with several groups of werecorvids that
provide information for any and all who can pay the price.
Raven, while being something of an mercenary, does seem
to have an agenda of his own. He currently works with
Alice Sherry of his own free will. Why? Perhaps out of
guilt, or perhaps he has a thing for her. Raven is an
honorable sort, but a scoundrel none the less.
Friends with no one in particular
Crush on who knows
Enemies with Ben, John, Din Tau
Alliances with Kat, Schala, anyone who can meet his price
for a time
creators notes:
Raven was a secondary character that kinda took on a life
of his own. He's growing with the story, which is kind
of cool. |

Vince ~ The 'Boss'
Fourty Something
Veil name: Vamp Squad P.I., Boss
Vince is the self styled, bishonen type 'Boss' of the
Vamp Squad P.I. He is generally very focused on his work,
although is vain and very pretty boy. He has a partner,
Piotr, and knows that his partner has less than platonic
feelings for his boss, but Vince feels he has no time
for romantic distractions in his pursuit of the truth.
Friends with Piotr
Crush on Himself
Enemies with Ferrah and the gang
Alliances with People who pay them
creators notes:
Vince is another one of James' creations. Actually, the
whole Vamp Squad thing was his idea. I'm struggling with
keeping these guys at the same kind of level they were.
If they stick around, they will probably evolve from their
original incarnation. On a side note, James is intending
to do his own comic thing with Vince and Piotr, however
it will not be based in the Shifters mythology. |

Piotr ~ The 'Sidekick'
Age: Fifty Something
Veil name: Piotr, Vamp Squad P.I.
Its no secret that Piotr has a huge crush
on his boss Vince and as such forgoes his normally very
logical self for the love of his object of affection.
Its clear that Piotr knows a lot more than he's letting
on and seems to be happy to let Vince lead the way as
he follows behind.. to admire his behind.. *coughs * yeah.
Friends with Vince
Crush on Vince
Enemies with anyone who wants vince
Alliances with Vince
creators notes
: see vince's note. |

Kaylie ~ The Younglie
Appears to be about 14, is really about 100.
Veil name: Kaylie
Kaylie is a rather eccentric
vampire. A younglie she was turned before she really hit
puberty, but she's fully mature mentally. She acts like
a ditz, cute, and young, but in reality she's quite crafty,
calculating, and experienced in everyway imaginable, having
survived as a younglie for so long. She possesses some
abilities that are quite rare for a younglie to have including
the ability to fly and to create solid shadow appendages
which she uses to kill people she doesn't like.
Friends with Ferrah
Crush on Ferrah
Enemies with almost all vampires, shifters and espi.
Alliances with Ferrah
notes: Kaylie was something James came up with and
the character is shot in the head in Issue 12. |