This area is to provide a brief
bio and general discription of the main characters. These are
listed in no particular order, but all the characters here have
appeared in the comic at least once. They are presented in groups
of 4.

Ferrah Rolly ~
The Kinsmir
Age: 17
Veil name: Feral
Ferrah was by all rights a normal girl until the faithful
halloween night she was bitten by a vampire. But instead
of turning into a vampire she shifted, violently, into
a huge wolf! However, it became apparent quickly that
she was no normal wolf shifter. She had become a creature
both hated and feared, a monster neither shifter nor vampire,
but sharing aspects of both. She had become a Kinsmir,
an ancient horror not seen for 500 years.
Friends with Alice, Nikki
Crush on Ben
Enemies with Holly, Serena
Alliances with John
creators notes
: A lot of people seem to think that 'abomination' which
I have used to describe the kinsmir is derived from White
Wolf games. It ISN'T. It is a word meaning abhorrence
or disgust. 'Kinsmir' is a derogatory term for the beast
created when a shifter is infected with the LTV virus.
Most 'kin' (all races under the veil) look at them with
a measure of pity and fear. Because of their perchance
for going insane, they are generally considered a danger
for that reason primarily. The idea actually spawned from
spirituality forums, rather than anything RPG related.
To this day, I haven't ever actually read any WhiteWolf
book in any detail. |

Alice Sherry~ The Werecat
Age: 17
Veil name: Kat
Alice, also known as 'Kat' first shifted when she was
13. Her family is an established line of feline shifters
and so her transition to the veil world was relatively
controlled and almost planned. She was and still is being
trained by Edward Harkus, Ben's Father. Prior to the vampire
incident, she never reveiled her shifter nature to Ferrah,
who was always her 'normal' friend. Alice is often looked
down upon by other shifters due to her small size and
apparent weak animal bond. But she knows she has power
that they lack, and is always struggling to prove herself.
Friends with Ferrah, Ben
Crush on Unknown
Enemies with Serena
Alliances with Raven, Ben Harkus
creators notes:
I've always found werecat mythos to be more interesting
that werewolf mythos. Cats are divine messangers in many
mythologies and often divinely appointed to provide protection
or to aid a predestined individual fulfill their destiny.
Its very appropriate that Alice should be a cat, given
the larger nature of her responsibilities in this incarnation.
I also think she would have died by now if not for those
9 lives cats are so famous for. She's a very interesting
character, I think. She's got a lot of depth that I haven't
really explored yet. |

Ben Harkus ~ The Werebear
Age: 18
Veil name: Sominous
Ben is a year older than either Ferrah or Kat. He's quite
involved in sports and dreams of playing professional
football. But that dream is forever out of his reach as
he is expected to take up his mystic calling and follow
in his father's footsteps, becoming a shifter Shaman.
He possesses gifts spiritually that have earned him a
reputation among even the elder shaman, however it is
a talent that costs him dearly. He is extremely self concious
that his gifts cost him his intelligence when he shifts
to animal form, becoming stalid and unable to think quickly
or clearly.
Friends with Ferrah, Nikki
Crush on Alice
Enemies with Lupus, Raven
Alliances with Various animal spirit gods
creators notes:
Ben was loosly based on my boyfriend when I created him,
but soon took on a very strong life of his own. He's very
intelligent, compassionate, gentle and giving, but harbors
a huge hatred for himself and the world of the veil. On
one hand he can be very outgoing and caring, and on the
other brooding, snappish and violent. He's got two very
distinct sides which are completely polar opposites. A
very interesting character for me to explore. |

Nikki Holland ~ The Slayer of Slayers
Age: 17
Veil name: Slayer of Slayers
Nikki Holland has had a rough run of it. Her mother and
father were both military personnel. They were both killed
in the Middle eastern Conflict when she was only three
years old. At that point, the headstrong youngster was
put into foster care where she bounced from home to home
as they couldn't deal with her 'attitude'. She fell into
youth gangs and drugs for a time until one of her foster
homes she was placed at brought her into contact with
Ferrah Rolly. After a brief period of rivalry, the two
became best friends. Nikki cleaned up her act and met
a man who changed her life forever. He was a vampire and
she fell in love with him at the tender age of 14. Unfortunately,
he was a hunted man, and after a car chase with a slayer,
it left him dead and her crippled. While she was recovering
in the hospital, a vampire who was an associate of her
boyfriend approached her. If she would avenge her love,
he would provide the means, finances, and training. She
agreed. Since that time she has lead a dual life as both
a student of the 'normal' world and the Slayer of slayers
under the employ of vampires of the veil. She has never
disclosed her dual life to any of her friends, including
Friends with Ferrah, Schala, Serena
Crush on No one
Enemies with Slayers, Serena
Alliances with certain Vampires
creators notes
: Nikki is a cool character. Unfortunately I really haven't
been able to show HOW cool a character she is since the
focus of the story is more on ferrah than her. She could
easily have a comic all of her own. She is actually a
character from another comic idea I had prior to doing
Shifters. I might do a mini series of Nikki's past at
some time. She is really a very under appreciated character.
Nikki is often confused as Ferrah at the beginning of
shifters because they had a similar hair style and color. |